Tuesday, 15 November 2016

5 ways to fight obesity

Obesity is a huge problem worldwide and is always increasing. Ireland have big problems to do with obesity. We are set to be the most obese country in Europe according thwe WHO. In this blog I'll discuss the ways in which we can fight obesity so Ireland can become healthy again

When 2030 hits obesity in women will jump from 23% to 57% in Ireland, for men it will jump from 26% to 48%. These numbers are very worrying.
Here are 3 simle ways to fight it:

1. Strength and cardio training.
This is extremly important when trying to lose weigtht as they reduce your body fat and increase your muscle mass. There are hundreds of great training programmes out there for weight loss. In order to see results, a good balance of strength and cardio training is important. The cardio will mainly help with loosing fat [ along with decreasing your calories ] and the strength training will help increase muscle mass. I would recommend hiring a personal trainier to assist you in perfecting the exercises. Consistancy is how you are going to see progression, the longer you stick at it, the better results you'll see. For kids, they need to focus on getting their couple of hours exercising. Parents and teachers need to keep encouraging kids to do so. 

2. Good nutrition.
Following on from exercise, a good diet is required. Adults need to keep track of their caloric intake for effective results. In previous blogs, I have mentioned that decreasing your daily caloric intake from your regular caloric intake will help reduce weight. I feel that the parents and teachers really need to focus in on teaching the kids about good eating habits. They should do this by leading by example, going to Mcdonalds regularly does not help. They need to teach the kids to make good choices for themselves. In Primary schools across the country, interactive nutrition programmes should be given out by the government. This way kids will have a basic understanding of nutrtion and will be able to make good choices for themselves.

3. Motivating each other.
Having people around that support and push you is so important as it will keep you in the game for longer. The journey will become much easier with good friends that will be there for you through it. The one thing you don't need is negetivity, so if there are people in your life that constantly bring you down, leave them. They won't help you in achieving your goals. Have positive people around you.

Obesity can be defeated if we all help and encourage each other. We all need to do our part.

intermittent fasting

Intermitted fasting is an eating pattern for people who want to lose weight. However many people think that this type of diet is starving yourself to lose fat, this isn't true! In this blog I'll discuss what it actually is in simple terms and the pros and cons of this method.

Intermittent fasting is how you arrange your meals throughout the day. This is a common dieting  method for bodybuilders who are cutting down for a show and want to get lean quickly. The purpose of intermittent fasting is to reduce your daily caloric intake. This is done by fasting throughout the day, usually lasting 16 hours and then eating for about 8 hours after. This may seem like a bizzare way of dieting, but research has shown that it does actually reduce body weight and helps with fat loss. 

So how do you do it? When you wake up you consume barely any calories, water and zero calorie drinks are good. Then in the afternoon time you can start taking in calories. Continue eating until around 8-9 pm and then fast for the night. It's a good way to control your appitiet. I recommend that you eat big, calorically dense meals as you aren't eating as frequently throughout the day. This is an easy diet plan to follow and means you won't have to cook as much. The cons of this diet is that not having breakfast worrys some people as they consider it the most important meal of the day. This could lead to fatigue throughout the day, which coud affect physical performance. It's also bad for anyone who struggles to consume enough calories as they need to focus on eating more regularly

Intermitted fasting is a diet that is effective if followed properly. I would recommened it, but make sure that it suits your daily lifestyle.